MHiPS research update for parents and carers
- Published
- Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 12:00 PM
Are you a parent or carer who has participated in MHiPS? The MHiPS team have published a newsletter to share updates on the research and to let you know what's happening next.
There has been a lot happening within MHiPS since we last made contact and we wanted to share this with you. In future updates, we look forward to providing you with a summary of the feedback and results we have received so far from participating schools and the school community.
We also look forward to continuing to learn more from you about your understanding of child mental health and wellbeing, and any experiences you may have of seeking support for your child from your school or other services.
Proudly in partnership with
MHiPS would like to acknowledge the Ian Potter Foundation, the Victorian Department of Education and Training, the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, SALT Catalyst, Bupa, the RE Ross Trust and the R.M. Ansett Trust for their support in establishing the initiative.